Naim or Octave with Dynaudio Confidence C1

After an inordinately long search, I have definitely decided to purchase the Dynaudio Confidence C1 speakers. I think they are amazing speakers. I recently auditioned them with the Naim separates, the 202 preamp and 200 power amp and a Naim CD player. I thought the system sounded great, intimate, sweet, clean, and transparent. Having read a lot of great comments about the Octave V70 amp, should I audition that as well or conclude my search? I have a 12 by 20 room and listen to jazz, vocals, Brazilian, r&b and other generally non bombastic music.
Hi Ryder, Thanks for your thoughtful post. Unfortunately I am limited by the brands offered by my local Dynaudio dealer. In the best of all worlds, I'd love to hear the C1s with the Pass 150 watt integrated. But I can't do that because the only local Pass dealer is in NJ and doesn't carry Dynaudio.
If you are going to the CES in Vegas, I just read that Octave is doing a demo of the V40 and the MRE 130 with the Saphire speakers.

"Octave Audio will be exhibiting in Venetian Suite 30-230, and company founder and chief engineer Andreas Hofmann will present the company’s MRE 130 monoblock amplifiers, Phono Module phono-preamp on the Sapphire loudspeakers, as well as the V40SE integrated amplifier on the limited-reissue
Dynaudio Special Twenty-Five.
For all of you attending CES, we look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas."
