RCA to XLR adapters?

I currently have a complete single end (RCA) input system but was possibly looking at other amps that are fully balanced and accept only balanced or XLR connections. My question is will these adaptors give you the full benefit of a balanced amp or preamp? Or will it simply was work ok? I have expensive cable that I will not replace but is terminated with RCA's.
Mikey, yes that's correct, if you want to use your existing xlr cables in both places.

However, I would not do that without first either verifying with the DAC manufacturer that it can tolerate having xlr pin 3 grounded, or obtaining an xlr-female to rca male adapter that you are certain does not connect pin 3 to pin 1 (perhaps from Cardas).

See this thread for an example of a problem that was caused by using an adapter on an xlr output.

-- Al
Hi Al

Thanks for your feedback.

I want to keep my existing cables to minimise the costs as I won't get much back for them.

My DAC is a Mark Levinson 36. Do you know if this would give a problem?

Otherwise, I would go for:

DAC output (balanced) to Preamp input (single ended): male RCA to female XLR

- Pin 3 is ground, so if the ML 36 is OK with this.


- Pin 3 is open

Preamp output (single ended) to Power amp input (balanced): male RCA to male XLR

- Pin 3 is ground

Would this be alright and would I minimise the potential for sonic degradation?

My DAC is a Mark Levinson 36. Do you know if this would give a problem?
Don't know, but I found some specs indicating that its output impedance is "less than 6 ohms." That is worrisome, because it would mean that large amounts of current would be drawn from the output stage by a short to ground, unless some protection mechanism kicked in.

The adapter choices you linked to look good, except that I would suggest that you confirm with Cardas that that particular adapter leaves pin 3 open.

-- Al
Just a FWIW: using adapters is always tricky and should be regarded as temporary. If you are interested in getting the most out of your gear, take your cables to a tech and have him install the connector on the end of the cable such that it satisfies your needs. The mechanical connectivity of adapters can job the system of bass impact and dynamic punch- I have seen it many times.
Hi Atmasphere

Thanks for the reply.

I am hesitant to reterminate the cables as it would make the resale value even worse.