If you have a good Krell dealer, between trade-in and discounts, you should be able to buy the 707 for much less than $30,000. $30,000 is a lot of money. On the other hand, compared to the evo 2, which retails for $55,000 for two channels, the 707 could be viewed as a 'bargain' since it has almost the exact same preamp in all channels, along with the processing, EQ, video, etc. The improvement over the KCT (which I used in CAST mode and is a very good pre-amp) is enormous. I was shocked. Better instrument separation (more 'air'), better 3-d sound staging, faster, better dynamics, better transients, much better tighter (more accurate sounding) bass, more detailed but with an analog tube like bloom. The Evo 707 produced a more beautiful, life like sound. This also applies to replacing the Lexicon for HT use (I used the Lexicon for HT, the Krell KCT was used for stereo music).
Krell does have a less expensive pre amp/processor, but I have not heard it. I doubt it sounds as good as the 707.
What are you using for a pre amp/processor?