Rogue 99 pre vs. BAT vk30

Just curious what you guys thought about this comparo. I'd be using a Cary v12 amp and Maggie 1.6 speakers. Would it really matter that the bat has balanced?(cary amp does too) I love tube warmth and widest, deepest soundstage possible (even if it's inaccurate). So, which would you buy? Thanks
I've owned a Rogue 99 Magnum and current own a BAT 3iX. I had 60 cycle hum problems with the Rogue, and overall I prefer the sound and build qaulity of the BAT. However, when it comes to power amps, I think I'd give the edge back to Rogue.
You are partially correct about the noise of the volume control in the Magnum 99.however the noise is strictly coming from the servo motor controlling the volume pot and IS NOT coming through to the speakers,at least not in my system.I can hear the motor noise when adjusting the volume with the remote control and I am seating about 8 feet away from my system head on,but when the volume is higher it's hardly noticeable.
Rogue makes great gear and the magnum 99 is an exceptional pre in my opinion.
George, I wish the volume control sound was only coming from the servo. The one I demoed buzzed through the speakers at my home and in the store later and the dealer said that was normal. Maybe it was a bad pot AND a bad dealer. I was using Rotel's RB-1090 amp which put out 700 WPC into my 4 ohm speakers and that may have exacerbated the problem. The zippy sound got louder and louder as the volume increased when I turned it up before starting a song. If it hadn't been for that I would've bought it for sure because I thought it sounded fantastic. The same dealer told me my amp didn't sound good although he admitted he had never heard one himself. One of those types of dealers if you know what I mean.
Can't speak to the Rogue, but previously owned the BAT VK30 and was disappointed with the sound (grainy and mechanical sounding), however the build quality and appearance of BAT gear is top shelf. I highly recommend the Aesthetix Calypso with NOS tubes... the best preamp I have ever owned, and quite reasonable used.