Amplifier for Magnepan 20.1s

I currently have Magnepan 20.1 speakers driven by Pass Labs X250.5 amp with Audio Research Ref 3 Preamp and Ref 8 CD player. Pass Xono phonostage, VPI ref superscoutmaster/Dynavector xv1s cart. My room is 16'W X 26'L X 10'H. I have a dedicated 30amp circuit breaker for this room only. I am considering changing my amplifier. Should I upgrade to the Pass Labs X350.5, X600.5, or should I go with the Audio Research Ref 210s (since I love the sound that was created since adding my other Audio Research products but the Ref 610Ts are out of my range and also would probably draw too much power for my circuit to handle). My only concern: is there enough power to produce a dynamic sound that wont go mushy in the bass? What should I do?
I don't use a power conditioner for the amps, they're plugged directly into a 20 amp circuit although it is a shared circuit. My next move is to have a dedicated circuit for each amp. I ran the 250.5 through a conditioner but after calling Pass(their customer service is very helpful) for advise I don't use a conditioner for the amps. I've considered a PS Audio conditioner for the amps but after speaking with PS Audio they seemed to suggest two premiers would be advisable so I decided to run dedicated circuits for about the same expense. I also use Audioquest cables but they're the older runs of Midnight and Sterling for the highs. BTW, my wife and I watch about a movie per week and I'm still amazed at the bass that these supposedly bass shy speakers can put out.
A good friend used the ref. 210s with his 20.1s. Never did get them going, and blew tubes several times. Switched to the Mac 1201 monos. huge sonic improvment, and no down time.
I owned 20.1's save up and get a a pair of ARC 610T's that you mentioned and you are done.

I had the REF3 and 610T combo and it was amazing.

So you said that currently the 610T's are out of reach so below is my list for recomendation;

- MyeSound stands (I did not see you referring to having such, as per what Teajay recommended, a must 1ST purchase)
- keep your Ref3, great pre and pairs up nicely with allot of amps
- Pass XA-100.5's mono's (second purchase)

You are done for a while.

If you want to upgrade further down the road either go the bi-amp route as per Teajay's set-up or sell your at that point sell your Pass XA-100.5's and get a pair of 610T's.

I have owned X600.5's, ARC 210 and many others, for your speakers no no to the 210's, X600.5's will be nice but not compare sonically to the XA-100.5's.


I own 20.1's and Bi-amp them with Cary 500MB's momoblocks on the bottom and Cary 120S tube amp on mids and high's. I'm using a Marchand powered crossover to do the bi-amp. Although I'm still dialing in the frequencies, the difference between the passive and active crossovers is amazing.
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