Slam possible with Tubes instead of SS ??

I like the sound of tubes having a Sonic Frontiers tube pre amp. Is it possible to get that good SS slam I like from a a reasonably priced tube amp? Using an aragon 8002 ss amp at present. Looking to spend about $2 K max if I decide to jump the fence. Yes i do like to feel the bass and do want want to give that up.
I suppose it is a matter of personal taste, but, I tend to find most higher powered KT88 and 6550 amps to sound brittle, with an artificial edginess (someone else might consider the "edge" (hard initial attack of the note) to be a part of "slam," and hence, desirable. One has to judge these things for one's self.

If I had speakers that demanded higher levels of power, I would actually look first at OTL amps (there may be issues with impedance and bass response, but often such concerns are more theoretical than actual), and then at solid state amps. I also find that most people overestimate how much power they really need. A lot of speakers could be driven by low powered tube or solid state amps which are reasonably priced. I've seen many demonstrations where the listener thought that a high quality/low powered tube amp sounded much louder than a higher powered alternative; I don't think the lower powered amp really did sound louder, but, it sounded more satisfying at a given volume so one was less inclined to increase volume to compensate for deficiencies.
Blueskiespbd - I would look into some better speakers before an amp personally. I just got an Octave V70se (70w@4ohm) integrated to replace my Bryston B100 (180w@4ohm)and it kicks the snot out of the Bryston. That being said I bought the B100 before I ever heard a dynaudio speaker. I was so impressed with the confidence C1 I bought them. As good as I thought it sounded until I got an in home demo of the Octave did I realize the B100 wasn't the best choice for the C1's. So what I'm trying to say since I personally believe the speaker is the most important piece of a system start there and work to get the sound characteristics your looking for.

Good luck
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I'm of a like mind with Rleff. I recently purchased my first piece of Jeff Rowland gear, a Model 5 power amp. It is a warmer sounding SS amp, somewhat lush in the midrange that has tremendous "slam". In other words, it has a great power supply, rated at 40 amps out continuous. It may just float your boat.

Now, it isn't a tube amp. I have owned OTL's in the not too distant past, Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk2.3's (along with the MP-1 MkII preamp). Those amps had some slam, but at a cost, both financial and heat-wise. They were also crystal clear top to bottom, absolutely remarkable. But, I hardly used them in the summer r/t to the heat they produced.

I can't recommend the JRDG amps highly enough. There are a couple of Model 5's for sale on Agon right now. I have no affiliation with the sellers or JRDG, just a happy customer.
