BAT REX power consumption

I'm considering moving to a BAT REX, but have some concerns regarding the power consumption. The specs indicate 470 watts total between the power supply and main chassis. Even the 52SE puts out 250 watts. I don't think I've seen any preamp putting out more than 100 watts, with most consuming considerably less. Is this something, outside of increasing one's electric bills, to be concerned about?
My understanding is that a 15 amp line can accept between 1650 and 1800 watts, based upon 110-120 volts. I should be safe if the Rex actually consumes 300 watts even with all my sources on at once, although not every component lists power consumption. It's not a dedicated line, but only a few light bulbs rated at 13 to 20 watts are ever on, aside from the audio equipment.
Cut to the chase. Call the designer builder. Victor will answer any question you have. No one here built the pre. Take your questions to the source. Simple right.
His words:
"That number is indeed correct - any tube unit with 18 tubes will dissipate a fair amount of heat, that is just tubes' nature."

Still, I have to wonder how the power module could draw a constant 250 watts without blowing a lot of 2A fuses @ 120V . . .