Good tube preamp for McCormack DNA 500???

I just purchased a dealer demo McCormack DNA 500. I have decided I want to pair it with a tube preamp and I'm looking for the best fit within my price range ($2500 new or used). My research has uncovered a thread here on Audiogon that quotes the designer, Steve McCormack, recommending that any tube preamp paired with the DNA 500 (10k ohms input impedance) should have less than 800 ohms output impedance and the "lower the better".

Heeding this advice here is my top five: (1) Manley Jumbo Shrimp @ 50 ohms; (2) Purity One @ 180 ohms; (3) VAC Stantard LE @ 350 ohms; (4) Joule Electra 150 MK.II @ 400 ohms and (5) Conrad Johnson PV 15 @ "low" (can't find specs.) ohms. These are all currently for sale on Audiogon and are used except for new Manley J.S.

The rest of my system consists of Aerial 10-T speakers with mid-$$-range Synergistic Research cables and a highly modded Anthem CD-1 digital source. I prefer a warm, rich sound with no rolled off highs, mids or bass. Remote control is a must but I don't have a high care factor on balanced vs. single ended.

I would appreciate comments from anyone who has had success with a tubed preamp and the DNA 500 or anyone who because of their vast knowledge or experience with such matters cares to comment. Thanks in advance for you input!
The Doge 8 preamp with phono is an unbelievable bargain at around $1,600. To get anything better you would have to go with Audio Horizons, which is at minimum over $1,000 more and has none of the extras, which can cost up to $3,000 more.

The Parasound JC2 should be at the top of your list, they go for around $2200 used. The JC2 is a still a bargain even at its full retail of 4k.
I use a restored Harman Kardon Citation 1 with my Mccormack DNA 500. NIRVANA!!!!!
There's an AudioPrism Mantissa preamp for sale here at Audiogon. That's what I use with my 500 and it is a wonderful pairing.
I'll second the service level (and build quality) of VAC. I have a VAC preamp and amp and not only do they sound amazingly beautiful, Kevin has gone out of his way to answer my questions even when I had issues with a subwoofer giving feedback...he helped me trouble shoot it, whereas the subwoofer manufacturer watched on the sidelines.