Best tube pre-amps under $1,000

Looking for warm, open soundstage, with good bass control
I have B&K ST202 amp with Alon II speakers, Jolida 100 cd player.

my current pre is B&K Pro 10MC

I have recieved recomendations for VTL 2.5, Prima Luna prologue 3, juicy music peach, TAD 150.

I am a fan of Conrad-Johnson preamps especially their older models say PV12 and earlier some good reading in the archives on them. Especially the PV 11, disclosure former owner
I agree with Uru975; I just sold a PV10al a sweet sounding little gem it tis. I love the CONRAD JOHNSON sound. I especially adore AUDIO RESEARCH, there older models under 1k if your not concerned about phono stage are the sp6a they have sold for as low as 850.00 the (SP14) 1k and up. The better preamps are the (LS) line stage amps w/o phono stage. The (LS7) has sold for as little as 1k the (LS1)which is really an (SP9) w/o phono stage as little as 600.00
DODD Audio Buffer Kit. Kills everything and can be built by one self for right at about $1000.00 You will have to 5 to 10K to get better.