Solid State to Tubes and Back Again

I've been reading a number of posts where individuals have gone from solid state to tubes, and back to solid state again. I'm curious about some of the reasons why.

Could it be a cost (tube replacement) and maintenance issue?

Could it be convenience (change of space - living arrangements), or is it simply because of the preference for solid state over the tube sound?

Thanks in advance for sharing.
Virdian, are you serious?!! Your amps can generate enough heat to replace your home's heating system?

Schipo, good point, and funny too!! A hot car beats a good tube amp for me any day!!!

BWP, SamuJohn, I agree with both of your comments. wanting to try something new and discovering its not for you is quite common. And I have often been told that a lot of the modern tube gear sounds different to the vintage stuff. When I was a kid, my father had a tube based receiver, but I don't recall the brand and forget about trying to tell you how it sounded. Back then, to me, it was just a big radio with insides that glowed. :)
hi samujohn:

since all components are imperfect, they are not truthful.

all products have flaws.

pick your coloration.

as to switching from solid state to tubes and back to solid state, i think it's like getting married three times.

it may be irrational or based upon an ephemeral dissatisfaction with the sound of one's stereo system.

or it may be a manifestation of some deep-seated emotional problem(s).

after all, most audiophiles are certifiably nuts and could use psychiatric help.

my wide says there is a simpler explanation,namley indecisivenss--the old flip flop syndrome.
How much/often does one listen to LIVE MUSIC, and HOW STRONG is their DESIRE for TRUTH? HOW MUCH VALUE do you place on REALISM? Everything is relative to your REFERENCE(OR PREFERENCE)! OF COURSE: WHO is to say what is RIGHT in YOUR listening room? Tube rolling, and equipment modding offer MUCH EASIER paths to an ACCURATE/TRANSPARENT signal tranfer, in tubed gear. Where do your priorities lie/ what are your tastes?