Sansui AU - 919 Thrift Store Find

Pretty amazing I found this tonight in nice shape for $50. It looks like it took a bump at some point in it's life because the face plate has shifted about an 1/8". Sounds worse then it is. A couple minor scratches on the top. Works great. Really an amazing find for the money. And it is a great Amp. I have had some of the earlier Sansui stuff like the 9090 Receiver, and was not very impressed. But this unit is an impressive keeper.
Any insight on any of the controls, and the best way to set the Amps controls would be helpful. I am using Tannoy System 800 Speakers, and a pair of Pioneer HPM 100's. The Tannoy's are what I mainly use.
The Sansui AU 919 is one of the best integrated amps.
Its built like a tank.
I know Terry Dewick in Tennesse is know for modifying them and fixing them. Just google Terry Dewick
Thanks Doug99 but I can find somebody in the area to revamp the unit if need be. There is one guy who is very well known but he says he is not taking work anymore. He is in his 80's so I can't really blame him. But I might be able to convince him otherwise.
The amp has been getting hours of daily use since I acquired it over a year ago.
Yes it was a great piece 30 years ago, and still is today! I like the sound of my 919 better than the Bryston B-60SST I used to own. ($2,800) I think you would have to spend at least $4,000 to get an equivalent SS integrated...
I just picked my second AU 919 on ebay...maybe overpaid as it has no power per the seller...did not receive it yet. My first 919 needed a good cleaning to function.
Any one have ideas re: the 919 doing 'nothing' when turned lights either. I will check the fuses first but is there something serious wrong to blow a fuse? I have the service manual.

Great find thrift store!