Help with VTL TL 5.5 Preamp

I recently acquired a Vacuum Tube Logic TL 5.5 preamp. It utilizes 6 tubes: (2) x 12AX7 and (4) x 12AT7. In trying to get to know this preamp, I've rolled several different combinations of tubes, BUT I cannot get the highs to sound smooth and "sparkly."

The preamp images well, has air and texture, is great sounding in the mid-range, good bass slam, etc., but the highs are driving me a little nut... sharp, edgy and too much grain. The highs can get in your face and blow you back a bit.

I've used various combinations Mullard, Telefunken, Mazda and Brimar. Right now, my set up is: (2) Mullard 12AX7A and (4) Brimar 6060 (T-Logo). All the tubes I've tired have been matched.

Any thoughts, suggestions or experiences?
Perhaps the sharp and edge treble that you hear may be coming from another component, maybe from your source. I've never felt the sound of VTL to be harsh. I've also owned Conrad Johnson preamp before, and I agree VTL is probably polar opposite of CJ. I found the sound of CJ to be rather dull and uninvolving, while VTL sounded bright and dynamic. If you liked CJ preamp trying to get VTL to sound like it may not be the best approach.
Jylee: Thanks for your thoughts. Those same thoughts haven't passed me by as well.

As far as the CJ goes, I simply like it... kind of a nostalgic or sentimental thing. I am very aware of its limitations, even after some upgrading. Still I like it.

No, I don't want to make the VTL sound like the CJ, and even though I said I like the CJ, I have actually been considering replacing it with the VTL in that particular system... if I can get the VTL to where I like the highs.

I've compared the VTL 5.5 to: Conrad Johnson PV-12, Eastern Electric Electric MiniMax Linestage modified & upgraded by Tom Tutay and McCormack MLD upgraded by SMc Audio to Ultra Platinum.

The sources have included: Nottingham TT w/Clearaudio Maestro Wood Cartridge, VPI HW-19 MKIV (modified) with Transfiguration Phoenix MC cartridge, Ayre CX7eMP CDP, Eastern Electric MiniMax CDP, finally Computer Based Music (Mac) through a dB Audio Labs Tranquility Signature Edition DAC.

Still I get the same results in the highend of the VTL... oh speakers have been: Dunlavy Towers, Acoustic Zen Adagio and DeVore Gibbon III (upgraded). Janis and Fritz Speakers Subwoofers.

What am I missing?

In regard to your DAC source (the Tranquility SE) and the treble trouble, have you solved that as yet, and if so, how?

When I read your posting and this thread, I wondered two things:

What USB cable were you using for the DAC? I've had excellent success with the Ridge Street Audio Alethias to conquer a similar situation (just my experience, no endorsement).

I also wondered what power cable you were using with the DAC. Again, my experience: I've found that different power cables affect treble troubles differently, some with greater success than others. These things are system dependent, for sure, so you'd have to experiment here. I've found that the Morrow Audio MAP3 to be excellent and a significant "runner-up" to the Morrow to be the Synergistic Research T3 power cord.

In addition, another variable affecting treble quality is whether the DAC power cord is run through a power conditioner or not. I've noticed this affects the performance of the DAC in the treble range very much.

My experience is with the basic Tranquility model, not the SE, so the variables I've listed here might apply more or less depending...!

Hope my experience helps,

:) listening,
