Best $3,000 speaker/amp combo?

I've got $3,000 to spend on a new 2-channel system. This is for a large den (approx. 16'x22') with a vaulted ceiling. Listen mostly to jazz, Steely Dan/Donald Fagan type pop/rock and a little classical. What's your best-sounding amp (integrated or separates)/speaker combo in this price range?
I'm enjoying a Sudgen Mystro integrated driving Spendor S5e's. Used would be within your budget. There are tons of other choices - integrated amps from Creek, Anthem, Exposure are good ones. Speaker choices are almost infinite.
I'm thinking a pair of used Gallo Ref. 3.1s mated to the NAD 165 preamp and their C275 amp would be a killer combo. The NAD stack can be had (new) for $1500 as can the speakers. See Agon ads for available units...

Anthem 225 integrated for sure. That leaves you $1500 for speakers. Used Vandys, perhaps?
Lucky for you there is so much great used stuff out there (and in here) that 3 large can do some serious audio damage. A decent integrated with a Squeezebox and some of a seeming plethora of speakers...I found some perfect Silverline Preludes recently for 500 bucks! By the way...Donald Fagen's tune "Snowbound" from Kamakiriad kicks butt....something about the bass tone on that cut kills me (just rediscovered that CD...also Walter Becker's solo 'em).