Sanders Magtech Amp or Bryston 4B-SST2 4 Mags 3.6

Hi, looking to match a new amp with Mag 3.6 or 3.7 and I've heard about the Sanders but would like more feedback, especially comparing it to the Bryston or another amp you like under 5k (preferably less if used). System: AIFF files on Itunes Computer server -> DACPORT DAC via USB -> BYPASS FILTER AT 80 -> split less than 80 to JL Audio F112 Sub and over 80 to Bryston 4B-SST2 or other amp and on to Mag 3.6's (or 3.7's). No preamp in this system since volume is controlled by the cigar-sized Dacport which has worked great for me on other systems. Thanks. Laurence


Please allow me to clarify this for all. While the Magtech was originally designed for magnetic speakers, it kicks butt on ESL's as well! Roger loaned the Magtech to Robert Greene specifically for his review of the Kings speakers.

So, either amp can be used on ESL's; but the Magtech has more power and you know how Roger feels about amplifier power [like "Tim the Tool Man" except focused on audio :-)]

Angela Sanders
(Sanders Sound Systems)

Here is Roger's latest white-paper on this amplifier:
Thanks for all the posts. Any thoughts on the Sanders Magtech vs. the Spectronic Musicians III Mark 2? See the specs at The Spectronics seems to be quite an amazing amp and is currently on sale via direct buy. There were some terrific reviews at
Another question: small speaker and stereo companies seem to come and go. Bryston seems to be very well established. I could be wrong but Sanders and Spectronic seem much smaller. Should I worry that in ten years or so, if the amp breaks, I may not be able to find someone to service it or to get the right parts? I've run into this on some other electronic gear. This would have to factor into the decision albeit obviously secondary to the musicality. Note: Spectronic also offers 30 day free trial. So one might get both amps at the same time and A and B them.
Soundlock.Unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of auditioning a Magtech.I'm a big Roger Sanders fan and have no doubt that a Magtech would be a top tier performer.Up until 2010 my reference speakers were Innersound EROS III's,Sanders former company,so I am very famaliar with the quality of his gear.

I have the Spectron Musician III mono-blocks with Bybee purifiers driving the Maggies 3.6r and they are spectacular.

At the current asking price, you can't go wrong with it. Lots of control and very clean, tight and articulate sound.

One thing I would like to emphasize is that with this much power, you would need a decent (not necessarily expensive) set of speaker cables. I just recently started trying different DIY cable gauges with the same twisted configuration and the double-run 10 gauge cable I'm using now is totally amazing. Total cost: $35. That's a proof that with the Spectron amps you don't necessarily need expensive cables, but just the "right" cables for the application.