Congrats. I still remember that the magic began after 5 days. Seemed rather stable after 7 days of continuous play. Big, open, effortless is what you'll hear with the break-in. They probably sound closed and slightly raw right now. Good, but not quite right.
To this day, I cannot tell a difference from powering out of standby vs. the end of the day of listening. This is suprising because my system is ultra sensitive to the slightest pertubation. The X600.5 needed 4-6 hours of power before they started to congeal.
To this day, I cannot tell a difference from powering out of standby vs. the end of the day of listening. This is suprising because my system is ultra sensitive to the slightest pertubation. The X600.5 needed 4-6 hours of power before they started to congeal.