Sonus Faber Stradivari amp: X600.5 or X1000.5 ?


I want to know which power amp is better for my new speakers (Sonus Faber Stradivari) combined with ARC REF3. Ive just listened a few days ago the X350.5 and i loved it so much. Right now i have a pair of MC-501 but i'm a little dissapointed of them when i try to listen to some complex music like rock and others. Is X1000.5 a good choice for it or X600.5? The X1000.5 have 2000 wats in 4ohms?
Anyone listened to both of them. Let me know.

I recall the break-in was not gradual and progressive. It all happened in 2 days, after several days of little to no change.

I don't think it will take 600 hours. Maybe 200.
Its start to getting better after 150 hours. I dont think it is final ...still need a lot more hours. XA machines are different then X machines.

Congratulations on your new amps. I also own a pair. Mine are demos that were used about one month before I got them. I left them on 24/7 and playing music during the day for about a week. I did not notice a big change during that time. Perhaps a very slight increase in smoothness soundstage expansion and instrument air and separation.

Unlike Rtn1 though, I do notice a difference listening to music just out of stand-by mode to about an hour later (three LP sides). Now it might also be the cartridge suspension warming up a bit also. The sound becomes smoother with a bit of an increase in inner detail and harmonics. I just becomes a bit more involving. I often turn my amps on about 2-3 hours before I listen and then I'm pretty sure any improvement during the first hour is from the cartridge. I dare say it is similar to what I hear when I switch from CD to LP (sorry, couldn't resist).