Thanks very much for the nice comments, guys.
Waltersalas, you're most probably already aware of the need to make certain that any 300B used in the Renaissance amps conforms to the original Western Electric specifications (which many 300B's that are available do not). But to be sure, let me point out the following statement on page 9 of the manual (which is available at their website), concerning KR tubes:
KR Enterprises: Many versions produced, most deviant from 300B standards. Be certain that the version you use conforms to the WECo 300B standard for filament current (1.5A) or amplifier damage may result.
The email from Kevin that I mentioned in my previous post specifically suggests checking with him when in doubt.
Consistent with your findings, btw, the manual comments somewhat negatively on the sonic performance of the JJ's in the amp.
Thanks for joining the thread and sharing your experiences. As you certainly know, while the Daedalus speakers are very easy to drive and unusually versatile with respect to amplifier selection, at the same time they will make the sonic character of the amplifier that is used very evident, which in this case is clearly something special.
Best regards,
-- Al