Ideas re Spectron mated to Joule-Electra

Hi, am seriously considering buying Spectron Musician III MK II and mating it with Joule-Electra LA-150. Has anyone tried this pair with success (or disappointment). Would be paired with Mag 3.6 speakers and JL Audio F112 sub. Thanks.

"The LA-150 is a seductive preamp... "

There are three LA-150: Mk1, Mk2 and SE - from your description it seem that you have Mk2. Indeed very lush and 2007 Golden Ear Award winner. Mk1 - is lean and I don;t like it.

" sweet and delicate treble, though not extended" - definetely Mk2 and not Marienne-Electra preamps (300 and 450), as latest ones have vastly extended "magical" HF - thanks to Simon's lenghly investigation of best V-Caps in variety of equipment, see -

These capacitors, as implemented lately, also increase details, I been told.

" ... full (perhaps overly so) bass, though a little loose"
- may be (Harry Pearson liked LA-150Mk2 bass - see his review on J-E web site)...may be for some. Then go for LA-150 SE or even better for LA-300ME (or 450) with their special power supplies. Jud (and Simon) are fanatical about power supplies. No suprise, every serious designer is but to do it right, its different matter.

Finally, yes - Simon work very actively with both Spectron and Joule-Eletctra so both, at least partially were voiced together on Simon's system and thus there is great synergy. My LA-300 - Spectron monoblocks - B&W802 Diamond is the music heaven !!!!
Hi Dob,

Thanks for the link. Very cool. I heard a pair of B&W diamonds (not sure which model) with Ayre MX-R/KX-R. Sounded great.
Hello Drubin,

" Dob -- yes, it was a Mk II." Well, you have very good ears - you describe the sound like it was detaiuled photograph.

With your very fair demands you need to have either LA-150SE and if you can afford LA-300ME. The LA-450ME of course is the best but I cannot afford it (and frankly extremely happy with what I have and not planning to change anything anytime soon)

All The Best