Compared Spectron to Sanders Magtech 4 Mags 3.6?

Has anyone ever compared Spectron Musician III Mk2 to Sanders Magtech Amp for use with Mag 3.6's?
fwiw I had an Innersound ESL amp (a Sanders design) with Maggie 1.6 and always wished I had kept it after buying something else. It was very lively and open, anything else on the Maggies sounded a bit dull and lifeless.

let us know how it goes...
Thanks, Michael (Sufentanil). Good advice, especially about buying gear used and seeing how it works. Just based on what I've learned on Audiogon, I'm pretty much down to the Sanders and the Spectron (from a huge list). Winnowing down that list has been very helpful.

I have the current Spectron mono blocks. They should drive the Magnepans easily. I've used one amp, then put the second in and set them up as mono's. Using two makes a big difference. It really is amazing. I think for the Spectrons to sound their best they need a tube preamp like the Joule (which I am entertaining ordering), or tubes in the source components. I would like to try the Sanders Magtech someday just to compare, I've heard great things about them. I am a big fan of dipole or open baffle speakers. Some are easier to setup and have a bigger sweet spot to me. Like the other posters said you have to live with your system for a while and see what you like and what you don't like. It takes me a long time to figure out what is good/bad in my system. Enjoy the ride, that's part of the fun.