Hi guys,
Sorry for the inactivity. For some reason a response I wrote last night didn't post. Again, thanks for the great suggestions.
Tvad, no I am not modding the Lamm. I have actually sold it and moved on in a different direction - I do need to upgrade my system page but my gear has been changing a bit. BTW - I have conversed with another Lamm owner who has performed significant mods to his LL2 (caps, attenuators, diodes) and he says it is now comparable with anything out there.
The preamp I am considering to be modded is a MUSE Model Three Signature with outboard display and power supply. I now have the MUSE Erato II player as my source and by using the Model Three Signature I have a single remote to interface with my entire system - very convenient. The Model Three Signature actually sounds quite good for an older model $3,500 preamp and, to me, it is largely comparable sonically with most other higher priced preamps I have owned. It has a wealth of features that make it desirable for me to use so I would like to see if it can be improved sonically, even a little.
I don't want to make any fundamental changes but to mainly improve on the basic implementation, perhaps with better parts or other changes that could be recommended. It is based on dual Burr Brown chip volume controls, as used in the $10k Esoteric C03, so maybe it was a bit ahead of its time. The designer, Kevin Halverson, has told me he has heard other preamps that may equal the Three Signature, but in his opinion, none that are better. He may be a little biased, but it sounds good enough to me also.