Preamp modifications - who would you use?

I am looking for a company or individual who performs equipment modifications to take a look at a preamp I own and recommend (and implement) parts improvements and or modifications to squeeze out the last bit of sonic performance. I would like to talk with someone who is well regarded not only for the quality of their work but also for their customer service, and who has enough experience and expertise to assess each piece on an individual basis, and not simply apply the same bag of tricks to everything they touch. Based on things I have read, folks that come to mind are Kyle Takenaga at RAM, Bill Thalman at Music Technology, and Chris Johnson at Partsconnexion. I would be interested in other recommendations. Thanks.
I second "RHB Sound Dezign". Bob Modified a CJ pv8 for me and it sounds amazing. Bill Thallman upgraded an MV75A1 for me but did not actually modify it. He does amazing work also.
Thanks Augiem. Although RHB specializes in tubed designs, they also work on solid state equipment. Bob and I had a nice conversation and he is taking a look at the preamp for me.
You’re a lucky man Mitch. I’m sure that you entered into the modification process hoping to gather as much relevant information as possible. IMO, this thread is a great example of Audiogon working. I can’t think of an angle that hasn’t been covered. Congratulations.

FWIW, I too have spoken with Bob and he would be my choice for your particular application.
I'm curious how your amp mod went?
I have used RHB Sound Dezign as well. Bob was very nice. They modded my CJ PV-12. In stock form, the sound stage was flat like wallpaper. It is now a formidable beast. It has real depth, as well as bass slam and rhythm that are incredible.

I recommend them to anybody -
Bob reviewed some detailed pictures I sent over and we discussed potential outcomes but in the end I decided not to modify the MUSE and I sold it. My MUSE Erato II player
actually has an internal Model Three Signature active preamp module that can be engaged by connecting the player's variable outputs directly to the amps. However, I typically run it from the fixed outputs (which bypass the active module) to an outboard preamp.

I ended up using my Tom Evans preamp for over a year and then sending a TLC-1 to Steve McCormack at SMc Audio for his Ultimate Plus level mods. This basically ended up being a custom preamp crafted for my listening and connection preferences. Even the faceplate is custom and it looks great. I have only had it back for a short time and I am not prepared to make detailed comments or write a review but my initial impressions are very positive, placing it among the best preamps I have owned. I will post more about it later.