List of tube integrateds with headphone out

I'm in the market for a tube integrated with a decent headphone out. There aren't many options. I have found the ones listed below:

Cary SLI80
Cary SEI300
Rogue Cronus
Manley Stingray (new version)

Please chime in with other suggestions. Integrateds with a remote get bonus points.
All of the "golden age" tubed integrateds circa 1955-1965. When refurbished these can perform incredibly well. The issue for you may be the output power. You might want to specify which speakers and headphones you want to drive.
Yes, I would be very happy with a Leben. A friend owns a CS-600. 28 watts/el34 or 32 watts/6l6gc. Very special! Or CS-300X. 12 watts/el84.