Best amplifier and preamp for klipsch heresy 3

I am searching for the best solid state amplifier for klipsch heresy 3 and an oppo bdp83 blu ray player.My room is a 12x10 with hardwood floors.I AM CURRENTLY USING AN NAD C370 INTEGRATED AMP AT 120 watts per channel.does anyone know if the 375bee is an improvement over the 370,also looking at Pass,B&K,Aragon,Odyssey Stratos,Mcintosh,Krell,Bryston,and parasound.Would greatly appreciate any suggestions on these or any other amplifiers that matches good with these speakers.
Another vote for tubes here, though if you want to stay solid state, you won't do too much better than that NAD in it's price range.
I was just thinking I bet a Jolida FX10 integrated could make some very nice music on the HEresies for less than $500.

I heard this unit at a show driving a pair of Nola monitors and it was making some very good music! DRiving teh Klipsch should be a piece of cake in comparison.
Curious, if your speakers sound like you are holding a pillow over them then I doubt that you have an amp problem (unless your amp is faulty). More likely is that either:

1- You might need to rebuild or replace the crossovers. Doesn't seem likely for a Heresy III, but it's possible. It is a fairly inexpensive process and it's very easy to do. It is also possible that one of your drivers or midrange diaphrams are damaged.

2- Maybe the Klipsch Heritage sound is just not for you. Compared to many modern speaker designs, the classic Klipsch sound is a little darker and more liquid (wetter?).

How does your amp sound with a different set of speakers (non-Klipsch)? If OK, then you need to look at one of the other possibilities.
My speakers work fine,they are new i think i just need to upgrade my integrated to seperates.
I wonder if the 275/165 combo seperates would sound better than the 375bee integrated with the klipsch heresy 3.Or a tube preamp with the 275 power amp would be better.Any thoughts?