I am in the market for a $ 5-6 k monoblock amplif

I am searching to buy a monoblock system between $5000 and 6000, I am replacing my Jolida JD 801, the system will be moving a couple of Martin Logan Source hybrid electrostatic systems,can ayone give an advise, I was looking at the Jolida JD 3000 a/b but is ther something better for the price?
I use tubes almost all the time, but for stats, I think you need much more instantaneous amperage. Thus you might want to look at "Sanders Sound Systems" which makes amps directly geared for ESLs. I would check them out and he is exactly in your price range. I would also investigate the highly regarded "Wyred 4 Sound" amps which are said to be a little warm and as good as many tube amps. Not sure any SS amp really images as well as good as good tube amps do, but Six Moons thought they did.

I love my VAC amps with ML Aerius speakers. I have the PA 90 D @ 100+ watts channel. Have had this setup for quite some time. Both companies great to deal with, regardless of the questions. Hope that this helps.
Rogue Audio M-150 or M-180. 4 x KT88, 2 x 12AU7, 1 x 12AX7 per amp. KT90s are used for the M-180.

Check out the Stereophile review, though I think the reviewer goes a bit far in his comparison to SS amps. The Rogues have the silky top and dimensionality that one looks for in a tube amp, but also have excellent bass control.

The specs on ML's site seem to indicate that the Source would be fine these amps.

"5 Ohms, 1.6 @ 20kHz. Compatible with 4, 6, or 8 Ohm rated amplifiers."
Get some Wolcotts (on used market)....killer on stats. Do some research on them.
I have the Herron M1 Monos and they're fantastic. There are individuals on this board that use them with their ML with fantastic results. Give them a try and you will not be disappointed!