Oh how I wish Class D amps ...

I sure wish manufacturers and designers would move forward as quickly as is possible on improving the current status of Class D amps ... I have heard them all, some in my own system, and they have SO mcu promise !!! Unfortunately they just do not have it down yet. They still sound dry, unmusical, and strange in the treble ... kind of chalky and rolled off, and definitely lacking air.
I long for the day I can get rid of my hundred pound Class AB monster amp, for a nice small cool running amp that sounds just as good. I am worried though that designers and manufacturers have accepted the " It sounds good enough" opinion, and that the B&O Ice power may be a long time before it is "fixed"... sigh.
Just my rant ...
I have the Nuforce Reference V3SE's. They require special setup that includes power isolation, and given their low mass and weight (about 7 lbs) vibration control and weighting on top to sound their best. They are worth these efforts. They respond well to tube preamps and do reveal the rest of the audio chain. Robert Harley of Absolute Sound just purchased Nuforce amps for his own personal home theatre system and praises their sound. He should have pretty good ears and access to top product.
A good friend of mine makes excellent Class D amps. I have heard them numerous times and did not think that they sounded the least bit "dry, unmusical, and strange in the treble". I would not confuse their sound with tubes, but they were not unmusical and they can drive the designer's Apogee Scintillas (1 ohm impedance) very nicely.

But....they are not "nice small cool running amp". They have VERY beefy power supplies. Maybe that is why they sound so good.

Anyway, if you want to hear what Class D amps can really do, check out this website and contact Henry:


Good luck.

Try Channel Islands class D 500W mono blocks which completely fulfill the promise of class D.
I'm running a TRL Dude in front of a pair of NuForce and it's the best sound I ever had, very liquid, relaxed, organic.

Audiofreakgeek and Gammajo are absolutely correct.
I noticed this subject posted last night with no responses and i thought i would check back and see where it has gone.It has gone up and down and all around and before it goes into the ether i wish someone would put together a roll call of all the current production class D amps, a master list,as there have been a few names mentioned that have garnered few sales and less press and might be worth noting.
The original "rant" puzzles me. It leads me to think that some negative experience has prompted him to "take on" the entire class D with broad generalizations.As an owner of a full tilt Spectron and two Wyred 4 Sound amps that all sound great i will not be intimidated by this "longing for the day" the day is here! and the music is delivered in a beautiful long flowing gown with bouquets of flowers and the scent of lilac and aged whiskey.Yes,the day IS here for the Class D amps, for paupers and kings and their tube preamps, and leave the knaves outside the walls to dribble their goo.