I think I have been more than patient with ICE amps, including changing around my interconnects, power cables, speaker cables, even preamps to get the ICE amps to sound better! And tried several ICE amps to boot!
Don't get me wrong - the detail was not poor by any means - it was fairly good overall - but somehow there was something missing on higher frequency transients that created an ever-so-slight digital, plasticky sound.
When I did a comparison between the state-of-the art latest Ice amp (Bel Canto 500m) and a 8 year old Sim Audio Class A/AB amp with zero global feed back - there was simply no contest. Especially at low volume levels I found the Bel Canto would compress and sound anything but audiophile, whereas the SimAudio operating in Class A mode managed to retain most of its nuances, just at quieter levels.
I honestly don't know what else I could have done to bring out the best in the ICE amps. . . if you have a special recipe I sure would be interested to know! :)
Don't get me wrong - the detail was not poor by any means - it was fairly good overall - but somehow there was something missing on higher frequency transients that created an ever-so-slight digital, plasticky sound.
When I did a comparison between the state-of-the art latest Ice amp (Bel Canto 500m) and a 8 year old Sim Audio Class A/AB amp with zero global feed back - there was simply no contest. Especially at low volume levels I found the Bel Canto would compress and sound anything but audiophile, whereas the SimAudio operating in Class A mode managed to retain most of its nuances, just at quieter levels.
I honestly don't know what else I could have done to bring out the best in the ICE amps. . . if you have a special recipe I sure would be interested to know! :)