Oh how I wish Class D amps ...

I sure wish manufacturers and designers would move forward as quickly as is possible on improving the current status of Class D amps ... I have heard them all, some in my own system, and they have SO mcu promise !!! Unfortunately they just do not have it down yet. They still sound dry, unmusical, and strange in the treble ... kind of chalky and rolled off, and definitely lacking air.
I long for the day I can get rid of my hundred pound Class AB monster amp, for a nice small cool running amp that sounds just as good. I am worried though that designers and manufacturers have accepted the " It sounds good enough" opinion, and that the B&O Ice power may be a long time before it is "fixed"... sigh.
Just my rant ...
"I can assure you from speaking to customers with systems far more sophisticated than yours"

This one I missed.... There in lies the proof of Audiofeil's agenda. What makes him think he knows any systems more sophisticated than mine, or Mapman, or any of the others here? What is meant by singling his customers out? It is because they spent a lot more money than I. He has to justify their purchases. Money don't buy love and money doesn't insure you of getting the best.

Atmasphere, your amps are lovely, and I am sure they sound wonderful. I have had the pleasure of hearing a six figure tube system a number of times, and the sound is quite lovely.

You can run Audiofeil, but you can't hide....

Now what is a sophisticated system ? how does one determine such? is it a case of placing grey poupon on the speakers when listening...

My method of dealing with Bill Feil (Audiofeil) is simple and, if followed by enough other Goners, would be very effective. I just don't buy anything from him. If he insults or belittles you or your opinions, or your system or your choices, just cross him off your shopping list permanently. It should be obvious to everyone that he is only in this for the money. Take that away and he will dry up and blow away. POOF!!!! ........just like an expired dandelion.
Why the attack on Audiofeil? As far as I can see ha has done nothing wrong and at least he is honest about being a dealer. Many posters on the forum will not say that they have a commercial interest in audio. While I might not always agree with him I do think he knows a lot about audio.