I've owned several variants of TA2024 including Trends 10.1, a few TA2020 amps from Muse, Topping, etc, and currently use a LM1875 from Brian Bell (chipamp_dot_com.)
This last one is a pure gainclone, minimalistic, very few parts. The best 20wpc I've ever heard from solid state, and better in most ways than many single-ended triode and pentode 6BQ5 amps. I've owned Almarro, Decware copies, rebuilt vintage SEs by Magnavox, Motorola, Zenith, some killer DIY 6bq5 SE using a chip voltage regulator and tube rectifier, and lots more. I've also owned many rebuilt vintage tube amps from EICO, Fisher, Scott, Pilot (SA232 is AMAZING) Allied (6BM8), Conn Organ (6L6), Harman Kardon, etc. I've owned solid-state by Belles, Van Alstine, Nelson Pass, Dynaco and much more. Pair a well-designed class-d with good speakers from Tang Band, Fostex, Mission, etc and they are near perfect, IMO. Great amps have been around since the 1940s. I think even a basic run-of-the-mill Class D will out-perform any Mosfet amp at any price. More accurate midrange, better bass, nicer higs, less audible distortion, lower noise floor, better reliability.
We are in the second "golden age" of audio. If your class-d doesn't sound like tubes, add a tube buffer between your passive attenuator and amp. For me, though, musical truth and emotional experience is more important than nostalgia.