Moscode 402au vs Butler TDB2250 vs McIntosh MC275

I am using a McIntosh MC275 with an Aesthetix Calypso preamplifier and Sehring 703 speakers (86dB at 8 ohms). The Mac has great mid-range timbre, detail, and high end extension, but the bass and soundstage width could be better. I primarily am a fan of rock music, but find I mainly listen to more laid back music (Norah Jones, Feist) with the Mac because hard rock doesn't sound all that convincing. So I am looking to buy either the Moscode 402au or the Butler TDB2250 to replace the Mac, having read good comments about both hybrids, hoping for better bass and soundstage without sacrificing too much mid-range warmth.

OK, long preamble over...has anyone compared the MC275 to the Moscode or Butler? Any thoughts or advice?
Leben CS-300 with Sylvania driver and output tubes, plus Zu Mother power cord, Zu Varial IC, Zu Druid and Zu Method Sub.

Right now, listening ZZ Top, Billy F. Gibbons´s guitar bites your shoulder.

Jaybo, my speakers are Sehring 703s. Sehring is a German brand that is not currently distributed in the US. Sensitivity is 86 db at 8 ohms. Frequency response is 38Hz to 27kHz. Sound signature leans more towards "analytical" than "warm", and for that reason reviewers have suggested that they sound better with tube than solid state amplification. That said, they did sound quite good powered by a now defunct B&K 4420 solid state amp, offering great bass and soundstage width/imaging.

I really do like the Sehrings quite a lot and don't want to change them. In a lot of ways, I view them as the best componenet in my system. I have heard them deliver tremendous bass and a phenomenal soundstage with the B&K 4420. I also am awed by how they sound with the MC275 with music that isn't that dynamically challenging. Unfortunately, I don't have enough space for monoblocks or a massive solid state stereo amp like Pass Labs or Classe. I live in a medium-size New York apartment. The appeal of Butler and Moscode is that they have tubes in the signal path, output a lot of power, and are relatively compact in size. The only other amp I have thought about has been a Modwright KWA 100SE. However, I am a little suspicious that the Modwrights are not quite living up to the glowing reviews, seeing how many have come up for sale here in the last few months.
I used to have an MC275 MK V with NOS signal tubes paired with the Calypso preamp with NOS tubes. It was the best combination of separates I have ever owned. If you are like me, you will miss them when they are gone. If you can swing it, you really should consider getting a second MC275 as I think they are very special amps and offer great bang for the buck. I only switched because I wanted to go with a one box integrated amp, and I did not care for the awkward appearance / ergonomics of the MC275. I'm currently in the process of moving back to tube separates because I want more power to drive my big Harbeth's.

If you must go with solid state, suggest you consider staying with McIntosh (maybe MC352 or 402) so you can keep the Mac midrange & fullness.
Pdreher, thanks for your comments. Can I ask what integrated you are using now?

In any case, you may well be right, as the Mac does sound great in most respects. If I ever move into a bigger space, I could then buy a second MC275.

In the short run, one option is to buy a good used solid state amp that is fairly inexpensive and hear if the Mac can really be improved upon with a more powerful amp. I also could take Moscode up on the offer of a 33 day free trial and see if it is really better...