Headphone amp and headphones... ?

I'm thinking about buying a headphone amp and headphones... will i hear a noticable difference if i 'm in the 1500.00 headphone range and around 700.00 for the amp? I have Rouge audio 180 mono blocks and the 99 preamp. The way it is now i can't get any sound / volume out of it with just the headphones
I liked the sound of Grado PS1000 but I couldn't wear them because they kept falling off my head when in laying in my bed. I don't have such issues with my T1's. Will the LCD stay on your head in a horizontal position?
The LCD-2's clamp pretty tightly but I have not tried them myself while laying down. I also probably don't have the same head you do (that'd be quite a coincidence) so even if I had tried it I don't think the information would necessarily apply to everyone. Just tilting my head back with mine on they start to slide off so I'd say that I'd have the same problem you did with your Grados FWIW.
Everything you need to know about headphones is at www.headphone.com

It's certainly a useful resource, but this statement is far from accurate IMO. Not only is there zero info on LCD-2's there, as Branislav points out, but there's an entire world of headphone gear that is is outside what they happen to sell and support.