Solid State watts to power Zu Defintions?

The sweetest Solid State watts that you have first hand listening experience with? Thanks in advance.

BTW, my Preamp is a Bel Canto SEP-1
I have no experience with the Definitions, but like David I have tried numerous examples from virtually every topology--but on my Soul Superflys.

I've tried Firstwatts, Alephs, Class Ds, Class Ts, but what is really standing out and kicking some serious ass is a Redgum Audio RGi120 that I'm borrowing from a friend while my 845 SET is temporarily down.

I almost declined to borrow it as I didn't expect it to fill the void of my Shindo/845 combo, but this little Australian integrated is damn near perfect for my tastes. Sweet, dynamic, clean, liquid and really, really friggin' engaging. I don't know that its completely linear and the bass may be tipped up just a tad, but in a very pleasing, super-engaging way.

Tomorrow I'm taking delivery of a pair of Pavane 845-Ts to bring my monoblocks back to life and once they have broken in I'll have to do some serious a/bing and soul searching to see if I really need more then this Redgum to keep me happy.

Interestingly, the Redgum with its passive volume control doesn't seem to like to be used behind a preamplifier. Its happier alone than driven by my minimax or shindo auregies l.

A distant second in solid state for me were borrowed Pass Alephs driven by a nice tube amp.
what did you do with your SET40?

I have a set of McIntosh 601 monos that are going to be installed this weekend. My current MA6600 sounds very good on Zu Def2s.
What is being said here? That SS isn't as sweet as SET? No flame, just asking, honest.
The SET40is plugged in and sounds simply amazing. When we have friends over I wish I had more power to see what my Defs can do: Big place and oodles of dancing and noise. Not a reason (really) to let go of my SET, but I was curious if there was anything out there in the SS kingdomthat could approach my SET sound. I should have known better. I'll bet a YBA Passion 600 power amp (150 per) would come mighty close. Having owned (and loved--very sweet SS watts) YBA that may be the way. Bryston? Been there done that with the 4B with another rig. Can't imagine Sean liking that match up with the Defs. Well rock for sure. Jazz? NEVER!