Blind Person Needs a New FM Receiver

I need advice. My grandfather is 85 years old, is blind, and needs a new FM receiver, but can't find something that meets his special needs. His old FM receiver, a Yamaha KR 1000, finally bit the dust. He is looking for a new self contained integrated unit that he can examine, if possible, that has the following features: high definition FM tuner, CDP, push button controls - no LCD because he can't see the display, amp and pre-amp in the same unit of course.

Your advice is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks.
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Audionote? CD/FMtuner/records to usb sticks/ pushbuttons, and remote/ also headphone out. Happy Listening,
Why not get the Yamaha repaired? Especially since he is very familiar with it.
The Sony HD fm tunner is good because once you program the stations in for him, he can just use the remote and turn it on and off and change the pre selects with the remote.
I listen in the dark and chnge stations all the time.
The tunner is only $70 from amazon with free shipping.
The model is XDR-F1hd. It really sounds good too.
It may be a little pricey for your grandfather, but the Sunfire Ultimate receiver has automatic input switching and a dial to scroll through inputs.

It might be easier for him to use