Tube Research Labs Dude vs. Shindo Labs preamps

I am in the market to look for a tube preamp. I have narrow down my choices to Tube Research Labs Dude and a comparable price Shindo Labs.

Can anybody provide me your experience to help me to make a better decision? Better yet, have anybody compared them side by side before?

This is strange indeed. Cdente has a complaint with TRL going bach 9 months! that`s apparently unresolved. Cdente is understandably displeased. What`s a mystery is Agear and Glory`s role/interest if they`re not connected with TRL. Is it possible that Cdente had a bad experience with TRL even though Agear and Glory hav`nt?
I have a Dude and TRL is currently making me an OTL amp.

The Dude pre amp has been a positive ride for me and I am not on the TRL payroll LOL.

I hope the OP gets to hear one. He will piss his pants in laughter when he hears how great it sounds. Right Chuck? Come on now I know you can say something positive about the sound.

Agear and Granny got my attention with their praise of the Dude and I bought it with their help.
Best sounding preamp I have ever heard - even with last nagging issue to resolve. Quality and customer service on the exact opposite end of the spectrum.
That's good Charlie. I hope you will finally have some resolution to this. It will put your mind at ease. Please let us know what happens.

And NO, for the last time, I am not on the payroll. I am a surgeon. I don't need to moonlight as an audio dealer/distributor. LOL. The only reason I know any details in regards to this sordid little saga is that I am friends with the Weitzels and speak with them regularly. We talk about a lot of things ranging well beyond audio. I choose to support them because I choose to support them as does Glory/Gallant/Grannyring, etc.

My wife gets angry when she sees Audiogon yellow on the computer screen and says I am being distracted far too often by audio. Time for me to sign off.
