PS VK Control Center passive preamp

I just acquired PS Audio's "PS VK Control Center" (VKCC hereafter) passive preamp on Craigslist in San Diego. I have been unable to find much of anything on this model. I found a PS Audio website blurb: "The VK control Center was a totally passive version of the LCC III and had limited success and appeal." Reasons for its low appeal? I don't know. If anyone has any knowledge or insight on this little doohickey, please do share.

I swapped out my Lexicon DC-1 for the VK. It needed a lot of balance adjustment: 3 clicks up on the right channel. I haven't done critical listening yet, but there is certainly a difference, subtler than I expected. The high end softened, a welcome change.
Hrm, I was hoping for something/anything. Any advice on how I could make this a more answerable query?

I'd be happy to post listening notes, etc. later. I'm currently vacationing in Costa Rica. I came across a retrospective of Costa Rican rock/pop. May have to snag that.

Happy listening,

I own a PS VK Control Center. If yours is like mine, it has three knobs. Two knobs for left and right channel volume and a third knob for selecting phono, tuner or tape (from rear RCA connections). I purchased mine (in ~1984) along with a moving coil preamplifier (separate box). The inputs to the VK can come from a preamp or line level sources. The output of the VK can connect directly to a power amplifier. It was designed for the purist. Years ago, I experimented with mine (changed connectors, hard wired with Kimber cable) and it is now unusable (needs to be rebuilt). Are you interested in selling yours? I may be interested if the price is right. I would like put my MC cartridge and preamp back into service - "the pure way"...