Tell me about "tubey" tubes.

I own pair of Quicksilver mini monos driven by Quicksilver's phono and linestage (A23 transformer and Zu DL103 or Grado Sonora1 mono if you want to swim that far upstream) and a pair of Prologue Sevens driven by a Three and mostly digital sources. Stray speakers follow me home, so I do not voice either for a single pair-- I like rolling loudspeakers. To keep this from becoming a manifesto on that aspect of my illness, I have about "fifteen or so" (I purposely do NOT count them) pair of classic american speakers ranging from various 1970's JBLs, Ohm 3s and 4s, Snell Es and Js, all the Spicas, Klipsch Chorus IIs to the some late-production Maggie 1.6s and Druid mk4s. I do have a few classic japanese high-wattage solid-state systems for those times when current is required, but have fairly sensitive hearing and do not generally need high power to appreciate any of my boxes.

I also run several old 1950's five-tube AM radios and a few Zenith AM/FMs. For radio, I enjoy the tube euphony. I really, really enjoy the euphony.

I'm currently listening to a lot of small-ensemble female vocal, avant-garde jazz, and space age exotica, if that matters.

Both the minis and the Sevens allow rolling of all the usual suspects, and I am aware of the basic sonic differences of power tube types. Both rigs currently utilize stock-spec tubes (2 Shuguang EL 34s and 4 KT88s, respectively), and until now I have not deviated from that. I already know what I need to get fairly accurate sound from both amps.

I don't enjoy tweaking and perfectionism as much as occasionally being whacked in the head by change, which is why I bought self-biasing amps in the first place, and now I'm a gonna use 'em. I want some simple advice: What specific varieties of EL34, KT88, 6550, or equivalents, in your actual experience, would give me the most euphonic, fat, Midrange Uber Alles, tube-colored sound? Feel free to suggest front-end drivers (12AU7/12AX7) as well, if that would make a noticeable difference. Price matters, so current production is a plus. Stick to my two amps. I'll get around to SET one day after I find some K-horns. Experience only, please. I'm not interested in second-hand speculation.
Morgenholz, I'm curious if you ran the Quickies with your Snell E's? I'm using the Quicksilver V4's with them and I really think it's quite a nice match. BTW, am using JJ KT88's in the V4's. Thanks.
For the money and what you are looking for Genalex Reissues KT 88 might fill the bill!! I used them in Quicksilver V-4's and was extremely happy, are they as good as NOS? No! They are very good and at 1/3 the cost a great deal!!! Tube Depot matched pairs @ $109.95!!!
To quote Maxmad above:
"From my expirience, tubes can sound delicate, lovely, lots of air and detail, glorious midrange..."

Who could give that up unless there is some other fatal flaw?
I have a Ray Samuels B52 tubed headphone amp/preamp and
that's exactly what I hear and I can't stop listening.
Just IMHO of course.
I do have to give honorable mention to Dartzeel solid state amps though, which I have heard at shows and really liked.
Tonyjack, I do indeed plan to run the Snells with the Quicksilver setup, especially when my wife complains about the Angeluses (Angeli?) in the living room. She doesn't mind showing them to people when they are in the basement, but prefers stand-mounted monitors because they don't look so... The Snell Js and Es are both Series II, Peter Snell's final two revisions of his own designs. I have until now been powering them with a restored Kenwood KA8100, but I know that they will bloom with the minis.

The Genalex reissues will definitely replace the original Shuguang KT88s in the ProLogues eventually-- And I can break them in four at a time in the mini monos.

I was always a "put most of your money into the speakers and phono cartridge" person until lately. Now that I have what I consider to be my semi-final speaker collection, including three years of replacing all of the foam surrounds and tweeter diaphragms in those that needed it, I am discovering what differences the signal chain makes. The kg2s were on their way to Goodwill until I heard them with the ProLogue Sevens, now they stay-- They sound better on KT88s than the Chorus IIs sound on 200W of solid-state.
Thanks for the reply. I have the Kevin Voecks E-III Snell. I have never heard the Peter Snell designs but I've heard they are different and excellent. That's what the Audio Note design's are based on. I know there a has been quite a debate over the two designers philosophies. I do like my Snells regardless and the Quicksilver combination is quite pleasing to my ears.

Today I heard the Quicksilver V4's with the KT 120's on Vandersteen Quatros at Audio Connection in Verona N.J and it was also very nice indeed. I hope to get a set and run them in my amps. I'd be interested in hearing about your opinions on the Quickie/Snell combo in your system. Thanks again.