Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?

It seems that in looking around for amplifiers and integrated amps that double their power as the impedance is halved (high current), they seem to be in a minority. Is it just more costly to build good-sounding high current electronics and the market demand for them just isn't there, or what?
I can't for the life of me understand those that spend thousands on an amplifier that shows current limiting and power supply issues going from 8-4 ohms.

Ahhhh bwoy ...
Unsound, I did miss the $2K limit. That makes it difficult... and my previous post useless. ;-)
Weseixas, If some have speakers that don't operate within those impedances, why would it matter to them?
Because it shows a deficiency in the power supply and hence topology being used IMO, nothing to do with speakers.

Why spend thousands on an amplfier that has a mediocre PSU and Amplifiers that do so always sound unmusical IMO, same with high bias Class-A ( SS) amplifiers, they give up life for smoothness and is usually preferred by those not familiar with recordings of live music and or poor speakers.
