Any benefit from" same brand" amp/pre-amp??

Is there any benefit from the amp and pre-amp being the same brand??? I am consdering separates, and like the Quad 99 series pre-amp. It does have a matching power amp, model 909, but bass is limited because of the bandwidth limits of its class D design. I have read about and considered an amp called the Odyssey Stratos. It gets very good reviews, but I do not know if it would be compatible with the Quad pre-amp. Thanks
If you don't have the ability to try many combo's at home , a same brand match will work , most times .
I am an advocate of having the same brand of components...they were matched for each other, and there is no danger of anything untoward. I have and all Ayre system which brings out the best of each individual component.
I always try to keep within the same brand of preamps and amps to take away the guess work. I don't know how to interpret specs of amps and preamps to see if they will work well together. And even then it may be more of a crapshoot if an un-matched amp and preamp will have good synergy.

In my main system now I have a Kavent S-33 preamp and a Kavent P-3300 amp and they really were meant to be together. Everything sounds good to me. I also found that the P-3300 I found has a 35db gain and the S-33 preamp has a provision on the remote to reduce the gain by -10 dBs. If you had another preamp there won't be a way around it if the gain was an issue for you.