SS against Tube Preamp

Hi Guys,
I have been adviced several times to get a tube preamp to mix it with my solid state amp. I would like to hear opinions about this combination and if it really change the sound for the better. I don't want to spend my money without to be sure there will be an improve. I mean between the same level.
It sure can go either way(good or bad). If you really want to try one, see if you could find a loaner. If not, see what models your considering can be bought and sold without to much of a loss dollar wise.
Not all tube amps make the grade. Placing a tube amp into your systems doesn't constitute the holy grail. I say depending on your gear and room acoustics it could swing either way.
So, all the high end dealers and advisors who are giving me suggestion aren't telling the true. They give me a solid answer that tubes will improve SS at the same level. I mean apple to apple. The speakers I have for the hybrid system are B&W DM 602 S2, cd player is a Cambridge Audio, and the power amp is a B&K reference. I am not taliking about an ultra high end system because I can not afford it. It is an entry level system but I want to be close to a high end sound.
Dvjorge, I myself not a dealer, cannot say what you will like. Everyone who posted here most likely has a completely different system and taste for their equipment. If I mix tube and SS, I mostly prefer SS preamp, and tube power amps. I have on occasion done the opposite over the years also. I can say that in general a lower priced tube preamp may have rolled off highs, and be less transparent. I imagine there are new ones out there for less money nowadays that may not fit this description. There are a lot of people on this forum that love the tube preamp, and solid state power amp combination. All said, we can't say you'll like a certain food, or type of car either. Elizabeth asked you what your looking for sonically, and you haven't even responded to that. I stated it could go either way. I don't think anyone hear is trying to mislead you. In the end, you will be the only one that will know if you like the combination. Adding a tube preamp isn't a guarantee for anything, in any system.