Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???

As the title says I'm looking for those who have changed from Tube Front Ends to SS(especially mid level gear)& am wondering if you've been happy with the change,what if anything you miss about tubes & what you've gained by switching to SS.Thanks guys,take care.
I tried solid state again several years ago, but missed the tubes and stayed with them. Ultimately, it's personal taste. There are diehards (and forum threads!) with opposing opinions.
I tried an Audio Research LS-25. The noise and lack of control in in the bottom 2 octaves was to much for me. Got a used McCormack MLD. Kris at SMC did his Platinum+ upgrade on it. I know this hard to except but even the midrange is better than the Audio Research LS-25. I am very happy with it.. My phono stage is an Audio Research PH-3SE which is a hybrid. So I still have tubes in the system. The PH-3SE is very quiet and very good in the bass. It has the reference mod in it from Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound.
I tried a tube DAC in my rig and switched to a similar SS unit after switching to a tube pre-amp. There were too many tubes affecting the sound at that point.

The sound now is spot on.

That tube DAC is in my second system now which is all SS otherwise and gels well there.