Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???

As the title says I'm looking for those who have changed from Tube Front Ends to SS(especially mid level gear)& am wondering if you've been happy with the change,what if anything you miss about tubes & what you've gained by switching to SS.Thanks guys,take care.
It's true, to a degree. There is something so old school laboratory 50's sci-fi
atomic age (and earlier) electronic about tubes. Ever look at the stuff
Jeffrey Jackson
does or those things using ancient radio tubes, or even 211's or..... They all
have a quality that brings back the ghost of radio stations, transmitting
facilities, guys in white lab coats with clip boards (no, not the asylum
And, you can change the sound by swapping out tubes, sometimes to a
remarkable degree. I was comparing the sound of different rectifier tubes in
the last week.
And, they glow. And throw off heat.
Maybe Regismc was right after all. We are only in it for
the gear. :)
But, there are a few drawbacks. Big, heavy, throws off heat, not the easiest
thing to work with on a number of speakers. Cost of tubes. Quality of tubes
(or lack thereof). Sources of tubes. Tube oscillation. Tube microphonics.
Tube life. And Tube death. Still love 'em.
Can't live without 'em. Maybe.
I go through the same issues with vinyl. Is this a good pressing?
Is it clean? Is it scratched, is it warped, is my cartridge properly aligned,
what about the VTA, should the cartridge be replaced, oh, the goddamn
airpump for the tone arm, is that mistracking I hear or just another noisy
new pressing?
But I haven't been able to give it up. Yet.
There's only one word to sum up tubes..as Ric Flair would say "weather you like it or don't like it TUBES are the best thing goin' Ta-day!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! remember, his shoes cost more than your house! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! really, you can like anything you want. It just seems that there are too many things to choose from. I'm just happy I can eat whenever I want.
There is both good and less-than-good tube gear out there and there is both good and less-than-good gear out there that is SS. If you compare good vs. good in each camp, the sonic quality will be comparable (though the relative distribution of strengths and weaknesses in imaging, dynamics, richness, fatigue factor, etc... may differ some). One (SS or tube) does not sound inherently better than the other. It is really just a function of which sonic trade-offs you can live with easier given your system/ear/the music you play.

But the tube gear is always more finicky and a greater pain to maintain. And, in the long run with replacement tubes... probably more expensive than comparable sounding SS.

I have been in both camps and am currently all tube. That said, I kind of wish I was back in the SS camp... it is so much more hassle free.
I will only go back to SS if I want to downgrade in sound or get out of the hobby altogether. I'm getting a Linn Classik for days that I'll only listen to music for 1-2 hours. It'll come in handy if a tube goes out and I have no back up.