Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???

As the title says I'm looking for those who have changed from Tube Front Ends to SS(especially mid level gear)& am wondering if you've been happy with the change,what if anything you miss about tubes & what you've gained by switching to SS.Thanks guys,take care.
Just got my (2nd) Linn Classik as a back up for when tubes go out. Good sound and versatile, but no way I'll go back to SS. It just can't compare even though it sounds good to me...just not nearly as good.
Even though I like the Linn Classik it has made me realize that I've been right all along. Speakers are NOT the final answer for producing great sound. Important, but upstream is even more important.
Phaelon...yeah...the different tube sets I've tried all sound great and do have their own little characteristics, but the KT120 has such ease to it I think it does do a more transformitive improvement. I've recently spoken to someone at "thetubestore" and got some really interesting opinions on 12ax7s...recommending a new Chinese select over the new Gold Lions to insure "clarity and accuracy" over "warmth".
I haven't experimented with new small tubes, maybe they have improved, I've only had luck soncially with older tubes, and even among those, pretty selective (the telefunkens seem to be more my cup of tea). I haven't tried any different power tubes in the Lamm ML2 for good reason- it's not really an option. But, interestingly, I've been experimenting with vintage rectifier tubes in my new phono stage, and there are sonic differences among them.
FWIW, I think everything makes a difference in a system, which by definition, is interdependent on each element.