The sound of glasswear

There has been lots of talk here about the virtues of using tube preamps with solid state power amps . I'm faced with the opposite possibility , I love my solid mistake preamp way to much to part with her and am wondering if a tube power amp would be a good move . I'm not complaining about any aspect of the sound now , But an amp is in the near future and I don't want to close the door and my ears on any technology , see system link for details if you must . Will this work or has anyone tried this with a fairly large tube amp ?
Choose one (both are correct): 1. Tube amps are a pain in the ass. 2. Tube amps are fun.
Three decades of experience with SS pres and tubes amps(in MY listening rooms). Never had a problem with a speaker, or considered a tubed amp a, "pain in the ass." Biasing the outputs is as complicated as it gets, and tube replacement just goes with the territory.
I have a Nagra PL-L paired with MX-Rs and it is something to behold. Way better I thought than an entire CJ setup.
Tubes were supposed to be obsoleted about 50 years ago. Funny thing- in most industries they are, but not in the field of audio. Must be a reason, huh?