Is it possible to get Hi-end sound ??

Hi guys,
Now, that I am inspired with this hobby, I would like to as you if is it possible to get Hi-end sound without to spend a fortune or selling the home ??
I am poor and want to find the way to do it if possible.
Some ideas !
What's your budget? Give us a number that we can work with. Then we can start helping you.
We all had to start somewhere.
A computer, an internet connection, and some headphones and you'll be miles ahead of where I was in my scuffling days. If you want your family to hear the tunes, then a used receiver, speakers and a DAC are the fixed costs. Then you'll have so many sources of music to explore and be able start a collection at a reasonable monthly cost. Whether it's "Hi-end"- that's a frame of reference thing. My presesent setup- a dream come true for me, but primitive by other's POV. Music enjoyment- I think you'll be there.
It is possible to have a good system.
sometimes you get lucky looking at Craigslist, Goodwill, eBay,etc.
Tell us how much you have to spend and we'll try to help.
You have to be constantly watching the ads to get the best deals before someone else does. Yesterday (but not on Audiogon)I saw an Adcom Tuner/Pre, Adcom 545 power, Sony CD, a cassette deck, Celestion SL6S speakers with stands all for $250 total. Even something this cheap could sound good in the right room with some attention to detail.