Is it possible to get Hi-end sound ??

Hi guys,
Now, that I am inspired with this hobby, I would like to as you if is it possible to get Hi-end sound without to spend a fortune or selling the home ??
I am poor and want to find the way to do it if possible.
Some ideas !
If you can solder, yes. Buy high quality wire and RCA's from Vampire Wire to make your own cables. Upgrade capacitors in amps, pre's, and speakers. I get parts from Parts Express. You will be astounded at the improvement you can get from what you already own.
Some of us have control and can easily be satisfied. Wish I did.
My first so called hobby was tropical fish. I started out with a little ten gallon tank and a couple of Swordtails. Two years later I had built a room with forty tanks, some as large as 300 gallon, and fish costing as much as a nice piece of audio equipment.
It got to be more work then play. Gave it up only to get interested in this hobby.
At least it has become relaxing. In both cases it grew because I found others with the same interest. Had I not I would probably still have that ten gallon tank and a Bose radio.
Tan43 I didn't go nearly as far with you on the fish, but I had several tanks and backed off to one. It became too much work and not fun. Got into audio and spent more than I needed to. Still spending...
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I am curious about those MBL speakers. Are they really among the best there are? And you forgot to mention that the first thing you would have to get to accomodate that system is a big house. As for Audio Research electronics, I suspect there is something better, both tube and SS.