Best phono preamp in the $ 1000 to $ 2000 range ?

Which do you think is the best preamplifier in the mentioned range (it can be second-hand price) ? Is it tube or SS ? For a MC, would you configure a transformer step-up or you would go with a full active solution ? Thanks for sharing your experience and opinions.

Would you recommend the JLTi standalone or allways in the company of the external PSU ? That raises the price substantially.
Also as far as I know it is quite rare to find it in the used market. I have a Shelter 501 mkII, so your experience is most valuable.
I'm also looking at the x-ono suggestion.
Thanks so far. Would gladly hear more suggestions.
I third the JLTI...I also own the ASR Basis Exclusive...and I'm just as satified with the JLTI as the ASR which is 4 times the price. Buy the unit sans the power supply, then ask to audition the power supply.

I have a BAT VK-P5 which sounds very good in my system, even though it is roundly criticized as second-rate by many. You could also pick up a Audio Research PH-3SE in that price range which I have not heard but so many rave about that it deserves mention here. Based on the several other Audio Research components I've owned, I'm sure it's deserved.
Would you recommend the JLTi standalone or allways in the company of the external PSU ?

I have only used the JLTI without the power supply a few times. From what I remember the highs seemed to be more prominent and it sounded thinner with less weight.

It could be that changing the loading would help or depending on the rest of the system (dark sounding) it might be better.

I think you should be able to find one with the power supply used for ~$1200-1400 maybe less. Shipping a SS unit that is this small is relatively risk free and you save yourself the wear on your cartridge while burning it in.

They are not that rare just watch for one over the next few months spring is a good time to buy.

There is a used ZYX Artisan for sale now @ $1500. Comes v., v. close to some top notch phono stages like Doshi Alaap, Manley Steelhead, or top end VAC. Battery operated, accepts MM or MC (active gain, NOT SUT), and was dead quiet w 0.25 mV LOMC. It's a very small, ss unit w no fussing or adjusting. Plug in and play. A steal IMO. No relation, etc, etc.