Manley 300B preamp

I have ordered and am waiting for the arrival of a dream object: Manley Neo-Classic 300B. While waiting I thought of inviting owners of this preamp a thread where we can hang around for the latest news. Please feel free to describe it's sound, matching in your system, experience with different tubes etc. I would love to read about your experiences while waiting: then at least I can do some virtual listening ;-)
Unfortunate I'm still waiting for my 300B and would love to hear about it. I know there ain't that many of them, but is there anybody who would chip in with some experience on this fascinating preamp?
I have heard that this unit is also a good headphone amplifier, which drives power hungry headphones with ease.
Chatta: I've read about it's qualities as a headamp, and am at the moment researching into, for me, an unknown territory: headphones. Any experience with cans that match with this preamp?
Vow, this is something! Just got the preamp, and up and running. I'll come back with impressions after some digesting.
Hi Musicophile. Have you had a chance to form some impressions of your 300B preamp? Curious to know how you like it.