My last pre-amp, Rowland Capri or Ayre K5xe ?

I use an OPPO Blu Ray BDP83 SE player as my source, Vandersteen 3's, amps are Reference 9 Monos, all cabling by Transparent. Any thoughts/opinions are welcomed. Biased opinions show passion and are also welcomed. I am replacing an older Pass Labs X-2.5. Thank you!
Very happy with the Capri, which replaced an ARC LS25mkll. The volume control is great. Great value too, and if you want analog the phono card is also a great value.
I will second the Klyne recommendation;Stan is one of the best at what he does and a great guy to have a conversation with as well.
If you would like to discuss the Capri in detail, give me an email outside the thread, I own one.

I have a Pass X2.5 and what I don't like is the silly hierarchical menu structure, which shows no evidence of the designer having even a rudimentary understanding of how people use preamps. Also, the display is too small. I also have the Ayre and I hate those silly icons. I used to have a Rowland Consonance, which I did not like for all sorts of reasons. They say the Capri is better, though.
i'll second the ayre. own a k5xemp with matching amp.happy as can be. good luck