a good pre amp with remote usd6000 or less used

any good suggestion for a pre amp, SS or Tube..etc..does not matter , but with a remote control, I have 4 sets of AMP
Pass labs XA160, Krell 450MCX, Cello Performance II, Classic 30
ideally this Pre Amp will have XLR, as my active crossover are XLR only

mainly i listen to my B&W Matrix 800
more than one person suggest VAC to me and some XP-20, however why..not much person suggest me a krell ? why not a krell ..since ovr my budget..or indeed aveage ?
i use my matisse reference tube pre amp for so many yr, and sold all my cello suite.. and got a Linn CD12 24bits (not too bad in the area of resolution even compared with some players today, and indeed musical)

cello is excellent, not exactly quiet for today standard, strength : the layering of sound stage...really quite amazing