Why Not More Conversation about VAC?

As I browse Audiogon's posts...I'm constantly amazed at the lack of attention, questions, remarks about VAC, (Valve Amplification Company).
First and foremost, I'm thinking that most if not all of us are music lovers--and I'm not aware, subjectively, of course, of more, just out and out, musical sounding electronics. And, I don't mean that in a perjorative, 'colored' sense...I mean that in the most flattering sense.
The lack of comments may mean nothing, but it just strikes me as 'absent' from good discussions.
Second, and beyond the stellar sound, if you want great gear, and a great person to buy it from, who better in terms of accommodation, knowledge and service than Kevin Hayes. Like the Bobster (Palkovic) his reputation for building first rate stuff and then backing it to the hilt is unsurpassed.

Kevin is also a great guy AND music lover of the first order...a friend too, but I'm not shilling here, just seriously wondering why VAC isn't further up the discussion ladder.

Kinda like reading Motor Trend Magazine, in which they 'Test Drive' a Mustang in EVERY ISSUE!!!

Just wondering.

Coincidentally, I have recently replaced the front tubes of my 300.1s with CV-181 Shuguang Black Treasures. I immediately got a stronger bass presence, wider and deeper soundstage and a more organic "you are there" sound. I got the premium tubes from Grant Fidelity and at first only changed out the center 2 tubes of each amp. I liked the sound so much I also changed out the ends. I would say the center 2 gave me about 70-75% of the change, with the ends making up the difference. Contrary to what I had heard elsewhere, it was nowhere near 95/5, at least not in my system.

These tubes are relatively expensive and pretty widely known for their quality and performance. It is the first and probably LAST time I will tube roll, quitting with a 1 for 1 average. If interested, I would try the center 2 spots and see what you think. This was easily a "1-2 component upgrade" to my 300.1s - I would say a 20-25% improvement and the new tubes are not even close to being broken in yet. If I hadn't just done it, I probably wouldn't have believed such an improvement was possible with just a few little (but expensive :-)) tubes... Good Luck and as Kevin is known to expound - "Welcome to the VAC family!"
Hi Fplanner201, interesting read on your amps and of the changing of those tubes, thanks for sharing.

I haven't yet got arround to doing any tube rolling in my VAC pre, have you done any like others have mentioned above.

It's getting closer now in relation to getting my Statement 450's, scheduled for delivery for the first week of June. I'm anxiously awaiting it's been a long time.

I have held off doing any tube rolling in my pre because I would like to get these mono blocks in place and well broken-in and just listen to how Kevin has actually voiced them. What I heard with them paired up I truely enjoyed what I was hearing but time will tell.

Do any of you guys have any information you can share in relation to a NEW separate phono pre that Kevein has been working on.
Apparently Kevin has taken into account owners of the Sig. MK2a who have phono and you can just disconect one of the ambilical cords and via connect the new one up and you are good to go.

In my set-up that's the only area I see my self comparing, I have two arms presently and might ad a third, two MC's and one MM so I would like the luxury of ease of one phono doing everything. So currently I'm missing one MC and it's a pain having to disconect to hear the other arm/cart combo.

There are a few other manufactures phono's on my short list to try and compare but again really in no hurry, won't happen until my amps are well broken-in so I know the sound. When I heard that set-up utilizing the same pre, speakers and Statement amps the internal phono was actually being used. While I was there we compared it up against a external very exspensive unit, yes there were differences, some of the differences I really appreciated but going back to the VAC it just sounded more realistic to me which was great.

Anyone who has the internal phono and has done tube rolling, what have you used and what were the differences sonically you heard.
Hi Dev-
I haven't had a desire at all to tube roll my VAC preamp, instead taking the path of "if its not broke and sounds great, don't fix it". The amps were a lot easier to deal with as far as just popping tubes in and out and I had heard there could be a considerable improvement. Not so much so on the preamp.

I totally agree with you on getting the 450s broken in before you touch anything else - I would do the same thing.
... Not so much so on the preamp.
Definitely NOT my experience eventhough I agree not broken in stock form.
Thanks for good tips on tube rolling. Which leads me to another conclusion I previously reached after reading posts by VAC owners on Audiogon -- i have been impressed with the level headed, polite and positive demeanor of VAC owners on Audiogon. Low drama and hyperbole. High integrity and helpfulness.