Anyone heard the new Cary SA-500.1 Monoblocks?

Stereophile from CES 2011 said,
The SA-500.1 sounded warm, open, coherent and dynamic playing high-resolution files courtesy of David Chesky and HDTracks.
Cary's white paper indicates the 500.1's maintain the "Cary Sound" (similar characteristics to their tubed designs) with a host of design improvements "over our previous efforts" (the 500MB?) including substantial power supply improvements; current-handling capacity; improved bass performance; reduced noise floor; improved imaging, staging, depth, and dimensionality; a more "lifelike and palpable" midrange; and improved transparancy. One specific change is apparently eliminating the former large capacitors (that "suffer from problems including (ESR) Equivalent Series Resistance), using multiple smaller capacitors (like McCormack DNA?) and "adding bypass capacitors at the output devices." The amps also apparently feature improved reliability and a "modular design" that would allow easy field repairs.

These are apparently a significantly different (better?) amp from the former model 500MB monos that I owned and enjoyed.

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has actually heard and seen them.
I just got a pair of 500.1s. Currently they are doing a bit of burning in. At this very moment playing Rudiger from Golden Heart, but I'm not listening. :)

Early indications are that they would be right at home in between the CJET5 and Maggy3.7s

thanks to John Rutan for getting them for me.

I'm anxious to have a good listen... soon now
Bump for update from Rayooo on how the 500.1s sound especially relative to driving the 3.7s, and any comments on soundstage/imaging?

In my opinion, SA500.1s better my Primare A32 in most every respect. The Carys are more detailed, deeper bass (I have never heard the 3.7s go deeper) and overall a much more up-front presentation, whereas the Primare is definitely a bit recessed.

The Carys run very cool, probably the "greenest" power amps I've ever seen.

Overall sound stage is similar to the Primare, with the key being you are sitting a bit closer with the Carys. Overall width and depth I felt are similar..'probably would require a "golden ear" to discern further differences.

The Carys increased increased detail (again compared to the Primare) fortunately does NOT at all come with any harshness. I could have in all likelihood pulled the trigger on the Carys and lived happily ever after.

Then on a whim I figured I'd give the Parasound JC-1s a listen. Figuring no way I'd prefer them. Well, all I can say is that that high-bias at low listening levels is amazing. I've never heard greater "inner detail", ever!
'hope that's the correct term!

The downside of the JC-1s is of course the heat output. far far greater than the Carys.

So, I'm still sitting on the fence a bit. Trying to decide between a brand new design that sounds absolutely great, compared to a 10ish year old design, that throws heat, but can sound absolutely magical within that "Class A" range.

Decisions Decisions. At this point if I was pushed to make a decision immediately, I'd probably go with the JC1s. but I'm deferring any final decision for a couple more weeks.